Now you can also see all our adult content on a new domain:

False Hero [v0.39.1 Beta]

The best corruption game you will ever play, (development in-progress -_-) with the most beautiful and deeply-developed characters. Explore the lives of a high school girl, her caring mother, an aspiring actress, and a pair of twins. Each has their own in-depth story arc and unique developments. No more stupid boring sluts who all look alike. Only perfection. You can build trustful, loving relationships or you can corrupt them until they’ve become cock worshipping whores. It’s for you to decide.

Thread Updated: 2022-11-09
Release Date: 2022-10-24
Developer/Publisher: Enyo Eerie Patreon
Censorship: No
Version: 0.39.1 Beta
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
Language: English

V0.39.1 beta -Big introduction to the country side with a lot of interactions: ecchi tiny scene with Mia; John and Barry introduction etc. (content of other versions, v0.38 and 0.38.1) -“Living room cleaning with John\Tiffany” event is now finished. -Ecchi scene with Melanie picking apples. -Introduction scene with Barry. -Tiny family lunch scene. -New John\Tiffany event. It stops right at the most interesting place though.


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