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Voronica goes to Town [v0.3.5.2]

Voronica goes to Town
The animated vore life-sim!
Eat, grow, transform!
Voronica is out of jail (for eating people) and looking for employment that makes use of her skills,
(eating people) and passions (eating people).
Over twenty existing scenes, every one of them extensively animated!
Help her to stay employed and out of jail by carefully weighing her options, developing her stats,
and, above all, keeping her well fed at all times!
With multiple transformations (caused by eating people) and wardrobe options,
this animated predatory life-sim will bring you hours of hilarity and voracious delight!​

Thread Updated: 2024-05-05
Release Date: 2024-04-30
Developer: HeedlessHedon Patreon 
Censored: No
OS: Android
Language: English

Download for ANDROID

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