Now you can also see all our adult content on a new domain:

Frostshade [v0.4]

In a dystopian 2138, assassin Zane navigates a divided world as a Reaper, a gun for hire. When his intervention saves an innocent girl, he’s compelled to protect her on a perilous journey through a post-apocalyptic wasteland. As Zane confronts his own past, the odyssey unravels themes of redemption, sacrifice, and unexpected bonds, set against a backdrop of stark contrasts and dark humor in the raw noir of the Frostshade Chronicles.​

Thread Updated: 2024-04-28
Release Date: 2024-04-28
Developer: Moonlit Games – Patreon 
Censored: No
Version: 0.4
OS: Android
Language: English

The new release incluves almost 12.000 words and more than 400 new images in the new chapters:
– Chapter 7: Off the rails
– Chapter 8: One for the road

I’ve aded a new Android version and a compressed version too (webp images instead of png). These have been limited tested so they’re unsupported.

Download for ANDROID

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