YouTube ReVanced Extended v19.04.37 [Non Root] [2.220.3]

YouTube ReVanced Extended v19.04.37 [Non Root] [2.220.3]
Requirements: 8.0+
Overview: YouTube ReVanced Extended is a Project Based on YouTube ReVanced.

YouTube ReVanced Extended v19.04.37 [Non Root] [2.220.3]

What’s new:
– Fix(YouTube – Overlay Button): Whitelist Button not applied the BottomPadding options
– Feat(YouTube – Hide layout components): Add Hide membership video settings
– Feat(Overlay Button – Always Repeat): Re-implement Pause after repeat
– Feat(YouTube – Version): Add support for v19.04.37
– Refactor(YouTube – Custom Heading): Use Extended variant by default
– Refactor(YouTube – Enable Song Search): Included by default

How to Install:
โ— First Install Vanced+ microG.
โ— Then Install YouTube ReVanced Extended.
โ— Open YouTube ReVanced Extended.
โ— Log In To Your Account.

Patch Info:
โ— Applied Add splash animation
โ— Applied Alternative thumbnails
โ— Applied Ambient mode switch
โ— Applied Append time stamps information
โ— Applied Change player flyout panel toggles
โ— Applied Change start page
โ— Applied Custom branding heading
โ— Applied Custom branding icon YouTube
โ— Applied Custom branding name YouTube
โ— Applied Custom double tap length
โ— Applied Custom package name
โ— Applied Custom playback speed
โ— Applied Custom player overlay opacity
โ— Applied Custom seekbar color
โ— Applied Default playback speed
โ— Applied Default video quality
โ— Applied Disable HDR video
โ— Applied Disable QUIC protocol
โ— Applied Disable auto captions
โ— Applied Disable haptic feedback
โ— Applied Disable landscape mode
โ— Applied Disable pip notification
โ— Applied Disable rolling number animations
โ— Applied Disable shorts on startup
โ— Applied Disable speed overlay
โ— Applied Disable update screen
โ— Applied Enable bottom player gestures
โ— Applied Enable compact controls overlay
โ— Applied Enable debug logging
โ— Applied Enable external browser
โ— Applied Enable gradient loading screen
โ— Applied Enable language switch
โ— Applied Enable minimized playback
โ— Applied Enable new splash animation
โ— Applied Enable new thumbnail preview
โ— Applied Enable old quality layout
โ— Applied Enable open links directly
โ— Applied Enable seekbar tapping
โ— Applied Enable song search
โ— Applied Enable tablet mini player
โ— Applied Enable tablet navigation bar
โ— Applied Enable wide search bar
โ— Applied Force fullscreen
โ— Applied Force opus codec
โ— Applied Force video codec
โ— Applied Hide account menu
โ— Applied Hide animated button background
โ— Applied Hide auto player popup panels
โ— Applied Hide autoplay button
โ— Applied Hide autoplay preview
โ— Applied Hide button container
โ— Applied Hide captions button
โ— Applied Hide cast button
โ— Applied Hide category bar
โ— Applied Hide channel avatar section
โ— Applied Hide channel profile components
โ— Applied Hide channel watermark
โ— Applied Hide collapse button
โ— Applied Hide comment component
โ— Applied Hide crowdfunding box
โ— Applied Hide description components
โ— Applied Hide double tap overlay filter
โ— Applied Hide end screen cards
โ— Applied Hide end screen overlay
โ— Applied Hide feed flyout panel
โ— Applied Hide filmstrip overlay
โ— Applied Hide floating microphone
โ— Applied Hide fullscreen panels
โ— Applied Hide general ads
โ— Applied Hide handle
โ— Applied Hide info cards
โ— Applied Hide latest videos button
โ— Applied Hide layout components
โ— Applied Hide load more button
โ— Applied Hide mix playlists
โ— Applied Hide music button
โ— Applied Hide navigation buttons
โ— Applied Hide navigation label
โ— Applied Hide player button background
โ— Applied Hide player flyout panel
โ— Applied Hide previous next button
โ— Applied Hide search term thumbnail
โ— Applied Hide seek message
โ— Applied Hide seekbar
โ— Applied Hide shorts components
โ— Applied Hide snack bar
โ— Applied Hide suggested actions
โ— Applied Hide suggested video overlay
โ— Applied Hide suggestions shelf
โ— Applied Hide time stamp
โ— Applied Hide toolbar button
โ— Applied Hide tooltip content
โ— Applied Hide trending searches
โ— Applied Hide video ads
โ— Applied Hide voice search button
โ— Applied Keep landscape mode
โ— Applied Layout switch
โ— Applied MaterialYou
โ— Applied MicroG support
โ— Applied Overlay buttons
โ— Applied Quick actions components
โ— Applied Remove viewer discretion dialog
โ— Applied Return YouTube Dislike
โ— Applied Sanitize sharing links
โ— Applied Shorts outline button
โ— Applied SponsorBlock
โ— Applied Spoof app version
โ— Applied Spoof device dimensions
โ— Applied Spoof player parameters
โ— Applied Swipe controls
โ— Applied Theme
โ— Applied Translations
โ— Applied Settings

This app has no advertisements

More Info:

Download Instructions:
โ— Armeabi-v7a

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Listening: Text to Speech v3.0.71 (Premium)


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