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Trinagon MonoIco v1 (Paid) APK

Special Edition : Single 3D Puzzle
Your brains to change the world. Use em !
Title: Trinagon MonoIco
Genre: Puzzle
Developer: Lumpazy

Special Edition Single Icosahedron Puzzle

This Special Edition App is only a Single Trinagon puzzle, played on an icosahedron.

The icosahedron has 20 faces, wioth a colored triangle each.
On the 12 vertices are the Rotators which you use to move the triangles around.

Your task is to move them to a specific position.

This particular puzzle is quite hard to solve !

Learn the basics in the free Trinagon Sample,

and challenge the worlds puzzlers with your solution.


uitaX5ghrYkzcFPV6f1p2bPA1VTUKFcWGMXQIuNWWr1L6RXkYAR Gnh2JtcZZ13Iwv8sUbQ4PEep2boZ HYeyL84 MBJE2WjD9dYDrH 6KVbm8nAKTdxq H2GuFvNKf2XMFMIAnefG1bH7phCNSbq 3aucf6HQ410CZptiDa6RUGgwpeqM HuylYW ZffbjFAkw12D0EjRXTMz9 RrHBvUyWqEs13Ed075HFi0VihAK8OilnsZrQEqkytMjqP2UcMYhd6UKSDKHwYJrKuo

Gameplay / Trailer


Trinagon – Single Icosahedron 3D Puzzle
Your brains are needed, if you wish to change the world.
Apply yourself !
