Tome of Lust follows Julia, an innocent young woman who is unjustly imprisoned. In her cell, Julia discovers a tome that grants her unparalleled magical power. As you go deeper into the story, you help Julia survive among savage male prisoners and the cruel guards. Hopefully, one day she will manage to escape the prison to reach freedom and seek her revenge.
Tome of Lust follows Julia, an innocent young woman who is unjustly imprisoned. In her cell, Julia discovers a tome that grants her unparalleled magical power. As you go deeper into the story, you help Julia survive among savage male prisoners and the cruel guards. Hopefully, one day she will manage to escape the prison to reach freedom and seek her revenge.
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Thread Updated: 2024-08-15
Release Date: 2024-07-18
Developer: anoobj Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.8a
OS: Android
Language: English