Now you can also see all our adult content on a new domain:

The Pleasuremancer [v0.3.44a]

In this game you play a necromancer who lived a long time ago and who lost all these powers. Your goal is to escape all the problem a weak man have, being stronger, have your tower and conquer the world, noneless. For that you will be helped by your stupid stooge and by the characters with whom you will bind. Being sarcastic myself the tone of the universe is sarcastic and humorous. Ah yes, little detail, your powers being distorted, you can only gain power by generating feminine pleasure.

Thread Updated: 2024-02-21
Release Date: 2024-02-20
Developer: Mirrodin – Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.3.44a Free
OS: Android
Language: English, French

New black godelin in the game intro
the bakery now has a few more images following the standardization of the screens.
The bakery has secrets.
the level 4 cheater’s manual is now available
correction in french, now in english.
The default language is English.
gaspard & lilliana are in miniature
correction for vrimon’s negative rewards
fix for false autumn ending
character miniatures upgrade
fixed quest that caused game to crash
more expensive village management to help the homeless

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