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The Haunting Nightmare [v0.3.1a]

The Haunting Nightmare

You suffer from a strange illness due to severe psychological trauma, experiencing frequent nightmares that are unusually real and have the potential to cause death within a few months. You will embark on a journey of self-discovery during this time, collaborating with others to investigate the truth behind this illness…​

Thread Updated: 2024-04-24
Release Date: 2024-03-27
Developer: Dofla Studio Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.3.1a
OS: Android
Language: English

[New content]
-Day6’s main storyline
-Jessica’s event #2
-3 secret photos
-250+ new images
-4 animations
-Replaced ‘personality’ with ‘mental state’. ‘Personality’ is inaccurate because the MC’s choices don’t alter their ‘goodness’ or ‘badness’, but rather the level of tranquility within.
-The Laura event added a close-up shot of vaginal intercourse.
-Added a reminder before the card battle, reminding players to save their progress.
-Revised the flow of some content for better coherence, and corrected several grammar errors.

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