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Smart Book v2.2 (Premium) APK

Parallelly English books reader. And not only English
Title: ? Smart Book
Genre: Education
Developer: KursX

The best way to learn english is reading english literature.
But the main problem while reading foreign literature is unknown words in the text.
In the app “Smart Book” you can easy translate them by one touch.
Also, while translation , you not always understand context or some speech turnover perfectly well.The app gives opportunity to see the author’s translation of any paragraph by one touch.
The parallel text is easy read and translate. Any unknown word you can add in the built-in dictionary to repeat. Bookmarks, change fonts, sizes, colors, and other settings for easy reading.
Statistics of your daily use and ratings for comparisons between other users.
There is daily expanding library of books.
Also, you can download any book in the format fb2. Fb2 reader open any English book, and you can translate it as well as the built-in ones.
“Smart Book” supports English, Russian, Belarusian, Czech, Danish, German, Greek, Spanish, Estonian, Finnish, French, Italian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, Swedish, Turkish, Tatar, Ukrainia and more 100 languages.


yq65f 9CiQIky71Pz bHgYqLgMjThvpnvZcZA58gDB1uCeq6ltRftY 9QtZuMttuoibNOMQzRUNbInA3zjhkSnfKXWOhkTaeYwBYHRRyctCOPZqaypSU1EvJikBeX1WBBhLEEZslBWRJC1bK9ws40nelWgZ0mMRE5sewKucmsknLQSMrCZVgHSiudR5VK8MsBWE1vERBqHPk14ghHX93Vm GKxe

Gameplay / Trailer


– Добавлена возможность автоматической синхронизации со Smart Dictionary
– Обеспечено лучшее разбиение текста в fb2 книгах
– В связи с введенным Яндексом ограничением на использование бесплатного перевода в приложении введен дневной лимит на онлайн перевод текста для не Премиум Пользователей
– Добавлена возможность скачивания оффлайн перевода абзацев для fb2 некоторых книг
– В быстрые настройки добавлена возможность бесплатного отключения рекламы на день
