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Lighting calculations v4.1.2 [Lite Mod Pro] APK

All calculations concerning the lighting
Title: Lighting Calculations
Genre: Productivity
Developer: Ettore Gallina

“Lighting Calculations” is the best app in the field of lighting, it has lots of calculations that can help you in your work. It can not miss in your smartphone!

Calculation of total flux [PRO]
Lighting requirements for interiors
Quantity of luminaires
Lumens to Lux
Lux to Lumens
Lumens to Watts
Watts to Lumens
Lux to Watts
Watts to Lux
Lumens to Candela
Candela to Lumens
Candela to Lux
Lux to Candela
Lux / Foot-Candle
Compare power
Luminous efficacy calculation
Luminance converter [PRO]
Illuminance converter [PRO]
Type of lamps [PRO]
Lamp fittings [PRO]
Bulb shapes
Table luminous efficacy
Color temperature
Kruithof curve
Visible spectrum
Kelvin to RGB
RGB/HEX conversion
RGB/CMYK conversion
Fluorescent tubes [PRO]
Color codes of fluorescent tubes [PRO]
Power factor correction [PRO]
Lux meter [PRO] (compatible only on devices with light sensor)
Typical led characteristics [PRO]
Power supply for strip led
Illuminance on the floor [PRO]
Energy saving lamp
Photobiological safety of led [PRO]
Specific power [PRO]
Unit of measurement
Formulary [PRO]

App Multilanguage: Arabic, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Lithuanian, Magyar, Persian, Polish, Portuguese (BR), Portuguese (PT), Romanian, Russian, Serbian (Latin), Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Turkish, Vietnamese.

Full translators list:

Kindly don’t use the Evaluation System for reporting bugs. Instead, please contact me directly.




8xwX 3FqS3LTtVnY0gjxNVAFs4Natoo1v9F nsjDbl0P2Jms 674MAFwTZkLdljP4CAN0IwGbjyzWxlvk01t 5wxUiLzCz tHrT5ZG6D4XvQig89qWktqvngCKvDjWdRFVcKAan4s4eMX8URSEltj2BxyAWM4uYYauDCLPDesAnEvxo73kpv5Pt7XwKAWA5BFEKkU8mAdpoW92Cp0XO0L9DMl14P9DG03GuBI1FABlMQZyhvv QUHuZFLXF DgsuhtdvcLZ0qTJE1RGV9 409bg1EUXoq8rPpbDZfGyGYkkzxxCZJg2XNixWn8UAd6 UQ

Gameplay / Trailer


* New: Settings backup
* Add: Selectable result
* Add: Bosnian language (by Ferid)
* Add: Pinterest Profile
* Upd: Portuguese [PT] language (by Leandro Sousa)
* Mod: Removed Firebase Invites
