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Strings of Fate [v0.6.3 EP2]

You’re not a cliché hero of this story, there is no damsel to save or magical sword that you can use on a whim to smash through all obstacles. After hundreds of years in spiritual form, after your physical body was destroyed, you finally mustered the strength to take shape once more. Descending upon the world that is simply not prepared for you. Get what you lost back, weakened perhaps, but none rival your talent for deceit and cunning. Bring kingdoms to ash and ruin, burn and destroy everything because that is what you have, a will to dominate all life forms.

Use whom you can to further your ambitions and goals, and once they fulfill their purpose, execute them or spare them perhaps? Gather all the evil that lurks on the world, surface or in deep darkness beneath — and whilst some may resist, you’re there to remind them who is the master, wage war and watch the world burn.

They either kneel or you determine their fate.

Thread Updated: 2023-10-22
Release Date: 2023-10-22
Developer: M.C Games – Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.6.3 EP2
OS: Windows, Linux, Android
Language: English

Version v0.6.3 – Episode 2
Story and Content:

[*] Chapter II.


[*] Three new soundtracks.
[*] Some misc changes for few characters.

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