WADBS (wireless adb switch) v1.3 [GitHub]

WADBS (wireless adb switch) v1.3 [GitHub]
Requirements: Android 11 or newer. | Shizuku or Root
Overview: Switch Android’s Wireless Debugging feature on and off quickly

WADBS (wireless adb switch) v1.3 [GitHub]

WADBS (short for Wireless Android Debugging Bridge Switch) is an app that allows you to switch Android’s Wireless Debugging feature on and off quickly. It provides several widgets and a quick settings tile to do this. You can also instantly connect to your PC using KDE Connect’s clipboard sharing feature (see scripts).

What’s New:
This is more of a maintenance release, although it adds new translations.

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Added (partial) Simplified Chinese translations by @Jesse205 (#27)
Added Portuguese Brazilian translations by @igormiguell (#25)
Updated the Material Components library
Updated other internal components

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More Info:


Download Instructions:

https://github.com/Smooth-E/wireless-ad … s-v1.3.apk

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