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-u4ia- [Ep2.03p]

(Place Holder)

You are heading to an exotic island (a large one with several cities/locations, not the beach and palms only type).
While on this island you run into quite a few girls.
You all have your own backstory to how you ended up there,
and there’s a reason you’re all there. u4ia tells the story of what’s happening on that island,
the backstory to how you all got there, bonding with these people,
getting ready for something you don’t even know will happen.
Try to befriend these girls and make the most of it. You will need it later on.
And all the letters in the title is not only an abbreviation for Euphoria. They all have a meaning.

Thread Updated: 2024-01-31
Release Date: 2024-01-31
Developer: DriftyGames Patreon
Censored: No
Version: Ep2.03p
OS: Android
Language: English


  • CHANGED: re-inserted some images that went missing in 2.02p
  • CHANGED: lowered requirement to stop Tuesday from stealing your phone

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