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The Good Guy [Ep.1.1]

You follow the story of a young man battling internally between good and evil.
He is surrounded by opportunities to make mistakes but still resists the temptations that cross his path. At some point we stop being mere observers and start dictating which way he will go.
A conspiracy at his workplace may be connected with people he had known since his childhood and he will think twice before choosing which side he will defend.
Is he going to be a Good Guy or a Bad Guy? I guess YOU’RE the one making that call.

Thread Updated: 2022-04-05
Release Date: 2022-04-04
Developer: NwB Games Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 1.1
OS: Windows, Linux
Language: English

EP. 1 – v1.1 FIX

  • Fixed the handles “Landlord and Landlady”
  • Fixed the name of the Landlady showing up as the Young Girl


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