Now you can also see all our adult content on a new domain:

Possessed [v0.2]

Possessed is a kinetic novel about Dorothea, a deeply religious widowed mother living on a farm with her son.
Their local priest is replaced by an imposter with bad intentions, who plants sinful ideas in the mind of the son.
This eventually eventually lead to the demonic possession of Dorothea by the demon Lucyphur.
Lucyphur is a perverted demon, and will end up making Dorothea do all kinds of fucked up stuff. Mostly things related to her son.
There is no sexual content yet. There will be semi-sexual content in next release, which I hope will be next week.​

Thread Updated: 2024-02-27
Release Date: 2024-02-27
Developer: Slutlabs 
Censored: No
Version: 0.2
OS: Android
Language: English

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