Podcast App: Free & Offline Podcasts Premium v4.1.0.129 Cracked APK [Latest]

Podcast App Free & Offline Podcasts by Player FM

Podcast App Free & Offline Podcasts by Player FM

We want you to have a distraction-free listening experience with no compromises on features. Enjoy an interface that is elegant, powerful, and free of display ads. Sync your play position across multiple devices, annotate episodes, organize into custom playlists and more!

Top 30 Best Android apps of 2017


Free forever โ€“ no ads (really!) Subscribe, download, and play to your heartโ€™s content. You get a fabulous ad-free app at no cost, including the companion web app. We offer this because we aim to make podcasts fun and accessible to everyone, so our business is selling *optional* premium plans, details below. While some upgrade promos are shown, there are *no* third-party ads, popups, animations etc.

Sync across devices Manage the same podcasts on all your devices and our companion web app โ€“ login with Google. Podcasts subscribed on your phone will appear on your tablet and the web.

Offline listening Listen to podcasts offline when youโ€™re commuting and relaxing. No signal needed to stay entertained.

Store downloads to a micro SD card Free up your phone storage.

Podcast categories Organize your shows into genres and moods.

Sleep timer Let the playback fall asleep when you do.

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Colors & dark themes Match your personal style and mood!

Tech enthusiast? Player FM integrates with many devices and platforms including Android Wear, Android Auto, Chromecast, TeslaUnread, TalkBack, Samsung Gear S notifications, LG Quick Circleโ„ข, Music Boss, Podchaser, Podlove Subscribe, Drivemode, RockScout and more!


Player FM Gold โ€” Level up your daily podcast experience with cutting-edge features:

Play on several devices Easily sync playlists, full play history & resume playback on any device, including the desktop web app!

Playlists & bookmarks Organize with playlists and timestamped bookmarks tied to your cloud account.

Space saver Squish up to 70% of the original size and download more shows!

Player FM Pro โ€” Podcast paradise. All the Gold features, plus the following:

Backup Safeguard your favorite episodes even when theyโ€™re deleted by the publisher, your playlist audio backs up automatically.

Turbo Fetch Follow as many shows as you want and get updates early & often, as our cloud servers will closely monitor them.

Personalized search Locate any episode with ease from your subscriptions and playlists, with full shownote search.

Download: Premium features Unlocked

Podcast App: Free & Offline Podcasts by Player FM v4.1.0.129 APK / Mirror

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