NZZ v8.0.19 [Unlocked]

NZZ v8.0.19 [Unlocked]
Requirements: 8.0+
Overview: The NZZ app offers you news, analyzes and open debates on politics, business, features, sport and much more. The editorial team in Zurich, the Berlin office and the worldwide NZZ correspondent network – one of the largest in the German-speaking area – reports independently, differentiated and calmly in tone.

NZZ v8.0.19 [Unlocked]

After registering in the NZZ app, you can also use numerous additional functions, for example:
– Follow us on Telegraming recommendations tailored to you
– Your personal watch list to save articles that you want to read or keep later

We look forward to your feedback on the NZZ app.

Credits: @mragonias

Login is needed for most paid stuff, articles can be read without logging in through.

What’s New:
The latest features of the NZZ app:

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– Playlist: Listen to articles directly from topic areas, with automatic playback and new control options (forward, back, queue).

– Shortcut: Long press on the app icon takes you directly to “My Feed”, “Search”, “Briefing” or “Latest Articles”.

– Optimizations: Bug fixes and improvements for a more stable experience.

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