MaterialPods: AirPods battery v6.57 (Pro)(Mod Extra)

MaterialPods: AirPods battery v6.57 (Pro)(Mod Extra)
Requirements: 8.0+
Overview: AirPods and PowerBeats battery level in the animated popup

MaterialPods: AirPods battery v6.57 (Pro)(Mod Extra)
Airpods don’t show battery level on your Android smartphone by default, however, you can change this, and bring your experience closer to iPhone users

Smooth animations
Dark theme
A lot of changeable UI parameters
Dark/Light widget with transparency settings
Airpods battery in notifications

The application supports AirPods Gen 1, Gen 2, Pro, PowerBeats Pro

โ˜… Mods-
โ€ข Pro Activated;
โ€ข Optimised Graphics for Fast Load;
โ€ข Ads Removed Except credit ads;
– Ads invokes & methods Removed;
– Ads Permissions Removed;
– Ads Layouts From Classes Nullified;
โ€ข No Active Ads or Trackers;
โ€ข Ads/Analytics Links Nullified;
โ€ข Trash Files Cleaned From Root Path Of APK;
โ€ข Google Play Store Install Package Check Disabled;
โ€ข Google Play Billing Activity Blocked;
โ€ข Debug codes including corresponding .sources Tags removed;
โ€ข Split File & Stamp Meta Data Removed
โ€ข Unwanted Receivers/Services/Providers/Activities Disabled
โ€ข Screen DPI- m to xhdpi
โ€ข CPU Arch- Arm, Arm64
โ€ข Language- Multilingual
โ˜… Modded By RBMods

What’s New:
Update translation files, thanks to users who helped me
A lot of small fixes and stability improvements
Fixed “Ring to Search” button, lagging in tuning screen, UI problem etc.
If you have found any problems, have suggestion or want to help with translation please write me and email

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This app has credit advertisements

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