MaterialPods: AirPods battery v6.15 [Pro]

MaterialPods: AirPods battery v6.15 [Pro]
Requirements: 5.1+
Overview: Airpods don’t show battery level on your Android smartphone by default, however, you can change this, and bring your experience closer to iPhone users.

Captură de ecran
Airpods don’t show battery level on your Android smartphone by default, however, you can change this, and bring your experience closer to iPhone users.

Smooth animations
A lot of changeable UI parameters
Dark/Light widget with transparency settings
Dark theme
Airpods battery in notifications

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Automatic play/pause for AirPods
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The application supports AirPods Gen 1, Gen 2, Pro, PowerBeats Pro

What’s New: 
If you have found bugs/problems, please write to me on email

Hotfixes and updating application components
Popup smooth improvements for old devices

This app has no advertisements

More Info:

Download Instructions: credit Timozhai

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