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Mars: Scarlet Horizons Under Charcoal Darkness [v1.06]

You play as Joe Smith (renamable), the mission engineer, veteran astronaut, and a billionaire thanks to co-creating the breakthrough energy source. You are part of the first mission team traveling to Mars. You will discover how the harshness of the Martian surface reshapes your relationships with your crewmates. An energy breakthrough has opened space for humanity, and the first explorers are leaving Earth on a journey to settle on Mars. No journey is without danger, and our settlers will experience it. Will our settlers overcome Mars’s challenges and return to Earth?

Thread Updated: 2023-08-16
Release Date: 2023-08-13
Developer: Just Aaron Art Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 1.06
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
Language: English

v1.06 – 2023-08-16
Initial Release


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