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Lewd Passenger [v0.6.4]

Lewd Passenger is a game about catching a train. How you pass the time is up to you.

Flirt and fool around but don’t get caught, police patrol the train and they’ll have none of your sexual shenanigans.​

Thread Updated: 2024-04-08
Release Date: 2024-03-28
Developer: Druidly Games Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.6.4
OS: Android
Language: English

This adds some more dialogue for the first girl and makes it work in a similar manner to the second girl. It’s still not finalized but it will make it easier to extend their dialogue in the future.
It also adds several more images for both girls.
It adds a similar crowd mechanic for the first girl as the second. It works a little different then the second one. Rather then the train starting busy and slowly getting empty(as it is with the second girl) it starts empty then after a while people will start coming and going.
Also added a deep throat BJ scene for the second girl. Which unlocks after 3 BJs and is available when she’s seated.
Several other minor tweaks and adjustments as well.
You may encounter errors if playing an old save. If you do and there’s option to ignore the error, select that and it should work fine after that.

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