Kanji Dojo v2.1.2 [GitHub]

Kanji Dojo v2.1.2 [GitHub]
Requirements: Android 8.0+
Overview: Learn & practice writing Japanese characters

Kanji Dojo v2.1.2 [GitHub]

Study kana (both Hiragana and Katakana) and kanji
Practice by following JLPT levels or school grades
Create your own list to study, more than 7000 characters in total are available
Works offline

What’s New:
Note for old users: read the migration notice down below!
Added daily limit for vocab practice
Added more daily limit configurations
Added new sorting option by expected review date on letter deck details screen
Added pending review indicators to dropdown menus when selecting practice types
New MacOS redistributable, read updated instruction for installation in README.md
Fixed translations being visible when doing letter reading practice and card is hidden
Fixed letters being hidden when learning writing with hints
Fixed timezone not being considered when calculating daily streak
Migration notice: after migration to the FSRS, which is far less strict than the old algorithm that was resetting study progress each time you do a mistake, the next review intervals for the letters practiced before the migration can end up quite big
To reduce the intervals visit the letter deck details screen (> button next to the deck on the Letters tab)
Then sort letters with the new Expected Review option and review them using Again button
Always use Again button to reduce given intervals if you are not confident about your recall ability

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More Info:


Download Instructions:

https://github.com/syt0r/Kanji-Dojo/rel … elease.apk

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