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Highway to hell [v0.5.0]

Highway to hell

You are an ex-soldier of fortune that has returned home, only to find yourself fighting the crucial battle of protecting your loved ones. The battlefield?! A city that resents your family due to the mischievous plan your father has put in motion before leaving your family to bear the consequences. The battle?! To win back the hearts of the people in the city or conquer and crush them under your will. Become a legend!

Thread Updated: 2024-04-12
Release Date: 2023-04-05
Developer: Mad King Games – Patreon 
Censored: No
Version: 0.5.0
OS: Android
Language: English

Version 0.5
Redone the intro movie with 3D. Now, there is no more AI content in the intro.
New story content
Phone messaging was added as part of the dialogue. This feature will be used in the future as well.
I added an audio recording to the gallery. These will be of great help with the case and as well as in future decisions.
The 0.1 script has been proofread.

The phone helper needs to be adjusted for 0.4 to 0.5 content. I will try to fix these this month or, at the latest, with the next release.

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