FOTO Gallery Premium v4.00.5 [Mod Lite] APK [Latest]

FOTO Gallery Premium

FOTO Gallery Premium

Experience the organizing abilities of FOTO proven by users all around the globe.
With FOTO you can organize 100 photos in a minute.

ㅇ Tap~ and thousands of photos get organized in an instant (Perfectly synchronized with the default album)
ㅇ Tag and search photos or videos. ( view by tags )
ㅇ Reorganize organized albums.
ㅇ Set favorite photo as album cover.
ㅇ Find your photos by albums & date easily.
ㅇ Hide private albums
ㅇ All videos organized automatically in a single album.
ㅇ Enjoy photos through your TV using chromecast.

What’s New

• Multimedia transmission

★★★ MOD Lite ★★★
Languages: en, ru (slightly updated and updated), uk
The application was renamed Gallery / Gallery
Supports all platforms on which the original application worked (arm, x86, mips)
Cut “anonymous” Google tracking, carefully blocked by the analyst
Unlocked PRO functionality (analysis of corrections Alex0047)
Hidden button, on the click of which it was offered to install Gif Converter applications (everywhere)
Recycled lateral (pull-out menu)
All graphics are deeply optimized and cleaned
The application is uninstalled from Google Services
The old icon (iridescent) is saved.
Compression: Ultra + ZipAlign
Signature changed

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FOTO Gallery Premium v4.00.5 [Mod Lite] APK / Mirror

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