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Easy Currency Converter Pro v3.2.5 (Patched) APK

Currency Converter (180+ currencies) with live exchange rates and offline mode.
Title: Easy Currency Converter Pro
Genre: Finance
Developer: ExtraAndroary

Currency Converter for over 180 currencies with live exchange rates and offline mode. Setup your personal currency list and see all the important currencies at first glance.

★ 180+ world currencies and 4 metals
★ Live exchange rates
★ Ad-free
★ Crypto Currencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, …)
★ Offline mode (no roaming fees)
★ Convert multiple currencies at once
★ Historic graphs (1 day – 5 years)
★ Search function to quickly add a new currency
★ App2SD

NOTE: Click the ‘All currencies’ button below your personal currency list to add a new currency.


DnfniKI8BBp rQIBuX1bUuCFdznI3Rgh2ZCjw8jpjG6Yr9ZEOLxlr0iUHwfiAi hrwkpAugLkPS8 SynePmObb9o8zPMIJpOcbytw UC5IBLJphcpK6vktP0eRML25dHOkVpQCK 3JIsPzg14xB4vNZVe2I XQRWh5fO20xmvuZu5lp0F3oembr OAPyKVKs3TPS2 AIO y8muEJFSrb46xWwrdmqfAU35lsuOFoUEM5mog 9J P7FL7JW2pn0Y2dhSQU sEDc


– Dark Mode
– Hi-Res flag icons
– New graph timeframe: 2011 until now
– New currency: GBX (subunit of GBP)
– Performance Improvements
– New crypto-currencies: BTS, DASH, DOGE, EMC, ETH, FCT, FTC, LTC, NMC, NVC, NXT, PPC, STR, VTC, XMR, XPM, XRP
– Venezuela has a new currency: VES (VEF is obsolete)
– Belarus has a new currency: BYN (BYR is obsolete)
