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Dynastic [v0.0.1]

Embark on a low fantasy Thread Updated: 2023-12-27
A world shattered ten thousand years ago by the Conqueror, a formidable being who brought continents to their knees and led to the demise of the human god, Akron. This cataclysmic event sparked relentless crusades between humans, elves, and dragons, weaving a tapestry of tension and unease that lingers to this very day.

In this interactive story, you assume the role of a recently appointed male apothecary, receiving a mysterious invitation to a revered mainland temple. This sacred place holds the echoes of your father’s visit more than a decade ago. Within the ancient walls, cryptic secrets are murmured, gradually revealing a perplexing mystery. Embark on a journey that intertwines the feared Conqueror with the mysterious and concealed realms of the mainland.

Thread Updated: 2023-12-27
Release Date: 2023-12-27
Developer: Auset
Censored: No
Version: 0.0.1
OS: Android
Language: English

Initial Release

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