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Dream City [v1.0]

Dream City is an exciting new Visual Novel game that combines adventure, romance, and drama. The game follows the story of a high school student who has experienced a traumatic event in his life. His mother was murdered by his stepfather, leaving him with a lot of emotional baggage to carry. However, he is also a smart and talented young man, with a passion for basketball. The story begins when the main character is taken in by Amelie, his mother’s best friend. She lives in Dream City, a fictional place and home to many rich people. The city is always alive, and there are many exciting things to do and see.

Thread Updated: 2023-11-13
Release Date: 2023-11-12
Developer: Feedgames Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 1.0 (Demo)
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Russian

– Demo Release

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