Now you can also see all our adult content on a new domain:

Christmas Eve [v0.4.1 – COMPLETED]

Christmas Eve is the story of a single father (MC) and his stepdaughter,
Evelynne who are on a road trip just before Christmas.
They end up making an unscheduled stop during a snowstorm and stay in a cabin for a few days.
Romance blooms as the dad not only struggles with the changes in the relationship between him and his stepdaughter,
but also finally starts to come to terms with his late wife’s passing.​

At ApkMagic you will find hundreds of adult games in apk format. These are the most downloaded during the last 7 days:

You can find many more at this link.

Thread Updated: 2023-03-22
Release Date: 2023-03-21
Developer: Jonesy
Censored: No
Version: 0.4.1
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

It addresses a few issues, but nothing new story-wise.


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