Requirements: 5.0 and up
Overview: Now you can calculate your current age in year months days.
You can also get the data in years, months, days, hours,
minute and seconds
Now you can get the answer to How old are you,
How old am I?
You can save Birthday or anniversary of family members
or friends with their Image
If you are looking for a Chronological age or anniversary calculator then this is your best option in age Calculator.
It’s sometimes very hard to calculate your current age
in years, months and days.
You get the day you were born
Days of your five upcoming birthdays. Provide information about your next birthday.
Age Calculator Feature
– Real-time age
– Get the day you were born
– Calculate your age in years, months, days
– Get information about your next Birthday
– Provide extra data about your age in week, days, hours,
minute, second
– Get the day of your five upcoming birthday
– Chronological age
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And for any difficulty with the application please contact
us at [email protected]
What’s New:
performance improved
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