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AdClear Content Blocker v3.0.0.188-play | [APK]

AdClear Content Blocker v3.0.0.188-play
Requirements: 5.0+
Overview: AdClear ad blocker for Samsung Browser only works with Samsung Internet version 4.0 and above, which has “content blocking” feature implemented.

AdClear ad blocker for Samsung Browser only works with Samsung Internet version 4.0 and above, which has “content blocking” feature implemented.

AdClear ad blocker for Android will block annoying ads when surfing the web.

Android users: this app is the solution for your ad block problems.

You can learn more about AdClear at our website –

As a bonus, AdClear ad blocker for Android Samsung Browser will save battery, bandwidth, and loading time for users, and keep users safe from malware-infected ads.

Frequently Asked Questions:

* Does AdClear block all ads in all my apps?
This version of AdClear only blocks ads on websites you visit in Samsung Internet browser.

Whats New:
• Added DNS changer feature that allows you to change your device DNS server to the server of your choosing
• Bug fixes and improvements

This app has no advertisements

More Info:

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