Now you can also see all our adult content on a new domain:

3YoV [v0.26.DV]

3Yov is a light hearted adult visual novel which is short for 30 Year old Virgin, it takes place in a universe where virgins whom on their 30th birthday are granted wizard like powers by a magic familiar that visits them in the night. The story will follow our protagonist at this moment in his life where it is forever changed. As he learns to wield and control his new powers and the lewd antics that come with it along the way. Soon after receiving these new powers our MC will be invited to join the Virgin League Defense Force where he will meet fellow wizards as they try to shield Earth’s citizens from threats that are within Earth itself and those beyond the stars. He will come across a variety of characters; whether it be from home, alien races or those from different universes altogether, many of whom will have romantic or lewd options in one shape or form.​

Thread Updated: 2024-03-15
Release Date: 2024-01-05
Developer: Black Star Games 
Censored: No
Version: 0.26.DV Uncensored
OS: Android
Language: English

New scenes: Rita’s corruption of Gi, Dinner date with Moglin and two dinner date reward scenes.

Download for ANDROID 

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