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Clara Bittersweet Day [v1.0 – COMPLETED]

Clara has been dating Oliver for about two years already.
He asked her out, she was curious about dating and her high-school friends kind of pushed her into it.
Relationship is stale, sex is boring but she doesn’t really know, she has no other experiences to compare it with.
She pretty much prefers spending time with her dad, whom she has a platonic relationship with,
than going on dates with his boyfriend.

That will change tonight, as she experiences something she has never before in the hands of a man she doesn’t even like.
Suddenly realizing sex is not a side character in a relationship, but pretty much one of the main protagonists, she is confronted by the fact that she might be losing her dad to someone she despises.

Where will Clara’s small trip of self discovery take her ?
Will she keep focus and keep her dad’s affection just for herself or will she get lost in the way ?

Thread Updated: 2023-01-06
Release Date: 2023-01-06
Developer: JustXThings 
Censored: No
Version: 1.0
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

Initial Release


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