Now you can also see all our adult content on a new domain:

Winds of the Destiny [v0.4.0] (18+)

Few manage to be masters of their destiny. Many give in to duty, others try to rebel and fail in the attempt. What will be your case? Dare, find out. You could say you were leading a normal life, but you always felt different from the rest. You returned from Canada to your hometown after Mom passed away. But everything changed radically the day you met Ceina, (ex) Queen of Heaven. What does your help ask to stop his sister, his counterpart, Satanichia. To do this, you must train and strengthen your powers in a very unique and erotic way. While you continue working in an exclusive Women’s Academy, and caring for the little family you still have. Will you be able to fulfill your destiny? From protecting the people you care about? Which path will you choose?​

Thread Updated: 2020-08-26
Release Date: 2020-04-15
Developer: Golden Novels
Censored: No
Version: v0.4.0
OS: Windows, Linux, Android
Language: English, Spanish

Golden Novels - Winds of the Destiny v0.4.0 Win/Android nk946rzn2gz7 qssaeefek5il f6iij0dwc2de s4uz16hi77ky 82l3jdeil5et 8gtrqfjjqe6m

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