YouTube ReVanced v19.16.39 [Stable] [ReXP v2.224.9m] [Root/Non-Root]

YouTube ReVanced v19.16.39 [Stable] [Advanced] [Root] [Non-Root] [ReXP v2.224.9m]
Requirements: 8.0+
Overview: ReVanced Advanced is forked from ReVanced Extended developed/mantained by inotia00.

YouTube ReVanced v19.16.39 [Stable] [ReXP v2.224.9m] [Root/Non-Root] Image

ReVanced Advanced is forked from ReVanced Extended developed/mantained by inotia00.

★★★ YouTube ReVanced Advanced compiled by me ★★★

⁍ ReVanced ReX Patches v2.224.9m

    refactor(YouTube – Force snackbar theme): Add more info to background and stroke color descriptions
    fix: Patching failed because of RVX CLI incompatibility
    feat(YouTube – Force snackbar theme): Add options for corner radius, background and stroke colors
    refactor(YouTube): Code cleanup and removal of deprecated code
    feat(YouTube – Hide layout components): Add Hide videos based on duration
    feat(YouTube – Hide layout components): Add an option to hide videos with views greater than specified value
    chore: Update python script to check for string existense between updated and missing strings
    feat(YouTube): Add Force disable Shorts dim
    feat(YouTube): Add Force snackbar theme
    feat(YouTube – Overlay buttons): Add Rounded (old curvy) buttons
    feat(YouTube – Hide shorts components): Add separate option to hide in player
    chore: Update default settings for bottom container
    fix(YouTube – Settings Custom Name): Fix resource files not found
    feat(YouTube – Collapse Button): Hide collapse button margin
    fix(YouTube – Hide Shorts components): Exclude Hide sound metadata label and Hide video link label from Hide info panel
    feat(YouTube – Settings): Add custom name for Extended preference
    chore: Update settings icons for live chat and comments button in Shorts
    feat(YouTube – Hide shorts components): Hide comments button if disabled or with label “0”
    feat(YouTube): Hide live chat replay button/label in fullscreen
    chore: Update python script to sort both source and destination files
    fix(YouTube): Fix app crashing for some people by reverting fix Shorts looping for some people
    fix(YouTube – Return YouTube Dislike): Fix some RYD issues
    fix(YouTube – Default video quality): Fix Skip preloaded buffer
    fix(Youtube – Tablet Miniplayer): Broken controls
    refactor: Move Hide description components to Player
    fix(YouTube – Settings): Fix RVX insert position selectable in dropdown menu in Manager
    refactor: Move Hide description components to Bottom player and Hide live chat messages to General
    feat(YouTube): Bump support version 19.15.36 – 19.16.38)

⁍ ReVanced ReX Integrations v0.151.5_m

    fix(YouTube – Return YouTube Dislike): Disabling Show dislikes in Shorts disabled dislikes everywhere
    feat(YouTube – Hide layout components): Add Hide videos based on duration
    feat(YouTube – Hide layout components): Add an option to hide videos with views greater than specified value
    fix(YouTube – Return YouTube Dislike): Disabling Show dislikes in Shorts disabled dislikes everywhere
    feat(YouTube – Hide shorts components): Add separate option to hide in player
    fix(YouTube – Hide Shorts components): Exclude Hide sound metadata label and Hide video link label from Hide info panel
    fix(YouTube – Hide keyword content): Filter Shorts found in horizontal shelves
    fix(YouTube – Append timestamp information): Ensure correct RTL layout
    fix(YouTube – Hide Shorts components): Hide Shorts in search result horizontal shelves
    feat(YouTube – Hide shorts components): Hide comments button if disabled or with label “0”
    feat(YouTube): Hide live chat replay in fullscreen
    fix(YouTube – Default video quality): Revert back
    fix(YouTube – Return YouTube Dislike): Fix some issues
    fix(YouTube): Move Hide live chat messages to General
    fix(YouTube): Unhook download button by default

⁍ ReVanced Extended Cli v4.4.1

    build: update dependencies
    ci: remove build env that are no longer used
    feat: rollback the default values of keystore alias and password to CLI v3.0 (compatible with old keystore)
    rollback: move ReVanced Library subproject to another repository
    ※ support –unsigned and –rip-lib commands #j-hc/revanced-cli

⁍ Applied patches in Non-Root build:

-i Add splash animation -i Alternative thumbnails -i Ambient mode switch -i Append time stamps information -i Change start page -i Custom branding heading -i Custom branding icon YouTube -i Custom branding name YouTube -i Custom double tap length -i Custom package name -i Custom playback speed -i Custom player overlay opacity -i Custom seekbar color -i Default playback speed -i Default video quality -i Disable HDR video -i Disable QUIC protocol -i Disable auto captions -i Disable haptic feedback -i Disable landscape mode -i Disable pip notification -i Disable rolling number animations -i Disable shorts on startup -i Disable speed overlay -i Disable update screen -i Enable bottom player gestures -i Enable compact controls overlay -i Enable debug logging -i Enable external browser -i Enable gradient loading screen -i Enable language switch -i Enable minimized playback -i Enable new splash animation -i Enable new thumbnail preview -i Enable old quality layout -i Enable open links directly -i Enable seekbar tapping -i Enable song search -i Enable tablet mini player -i Enable tablet navigation bar -i Enable wide search bar -i Force fullscreen -i Force hide player buttons background -i Force opus codec -i Force video codec -i Header switch -i Hide account menu -i Hide animated button background -i Hide auto player popup panels -i Hide autoplay button -i Hide autoplay preview -i Hide button container -i Hide captions button -i Hide cast button -i Hide category bar -i Hide channel avatar section -i Hide channel profile components -i Hide channel watermark -i Hide collapse button -i Hide comment component -i Hide crowdfunding box -i Hide description components -i Hide double tap overlay filter -i Hide double tap to like animations -i Hide end screen cards -i Hide end screen overlay -i Hide feed flyout panel -i Hide filmstrip overlay -i Hide floating microphone -i Hide fullscreen panels -i Hide general ads -i Hide handle -i Hide info cards -i Hide latest videos button -i Hide layout components -i Hide load more button -i Hide mix playlists -i Hide music button -i Hide navigation buttons -i Hide navigation label -i Hide player chapters -i Hide player flyout panel -i Hide previous next button -i Hide search term thumbnail -i Hide seek message -i Hide seekbar -i Hide shorts components -i Hide snack bar -i Hide suggested actions -i Hide suggested video overlay -i Hide suggestions shelf -i Hide time stamp -i Hide toolbar button -i Hide tooltip content -i Hide trending searches -i Hide video ads -i Keep landscape mode -i Layout switch -i MaterialYou -i MicroG support -i Overlay buttons -i Quick actions components -i Remove viewer discretion dialog -i Return YouTube Dislike -i Sanitize sharing links -i Settings -i Shorts overlay buttons -i SponsorBlock -i Spoof app version -i Spoof device dimensions -i Spoof player parameters -i Swipe controls -i Theme -i Translations -i Visual preferences icons

⁍ Applied patches in Root build:

-i Add splash animation -i Alternative thumbnails -i Ambient mode switch -i Append time stamps information -i Change start page -i Custom branding heading -i Custom branding icon YouTube -i Custom branding name YouTube -i Custom double tap length -i Custom package name -i Custom playback speed -i Custom player overlay opacity -i Custom seekbar color -i Default playback speed -i Default video quality -i Disable HDR video -i Disable QUIC protocol -i Disable auto captions -i Disable haptic feedback -i Disable landscape mode -i Disable pip notification -i Disable rolling number animations -i Disable shorts on startup -i Disable speed overlay -i Disable update screen -i Enable bottom player gestures -i Enable compact controls overlay -i Enable debug logging -i Enable external browser -i Enable gradient loading screen -i Enable language switch -i Enable minimized playback -i Enable new splash animation -i Enable new thumbnail preview -i Enable old quality layout -i Enable open links directly -i Enable seekbar tapping -i Enable song search -i Enable tablet mini player -i Enable tablet navigation bar -i Enable wide search bar -i Force fullscreen -i Force hide player buttons background -i Force opus codec -i Force video codec -i Header switch -i Hide account menu -i Hide animated button background -i Hide auto player popup panels -i Hide autoplay button -i Hide autoplay preview -i Hide button container -i Hide captions button -i Hide cast button -i Hide category bar -i Hide channel avatar section -i Hide channel profile components -i Hide channel watermark -i Hide collapse button -i Hide comment component -i Hide crowdfunding box -i Hide description components -i Hide double tap overlay filter -i Hide double tap to like animations -i Hide end screen cards -i Hide end screen overlay -i Hide feed flyout panel -i Hide filmstrip overlay -i Hide floating microphone -i Hide fullscreen panels -i Hide general ads -i Hide handle -i Hide info cards -i Hide latest videos button -i Hide layout components -i Hide load more button -i Hide mix playlists -i Hide music button -i Hide navigation buttons -i Hide navigation label -i Hide player chapters -i Hide player flyout panel -i Hide previous next button -i Hide search term thumbnail -i Hide seek message -i Hide seekbar -i Hide shorts components -i Hide snack bar -i Hide suggested actions -i Hide suggested video overlay -i Hide suggestions shelf -i Hide time stamp -i Hide toolbar button -i Hide tooltip content -i Hide trending searches -i Hide video ads -i Keep landscape mode -i Layout switch -i MaterialYou -i MicroG support -i Overlay buttons -i Quick actions components -i Remove viewer discretion dialog -i Return YouTube Dislike -i Sanitize sharing links -i Settings -i Shorts overlay buttons -i SponsorBlock -i Spoof app version -i Spoof device dimensions -i Spoof player parameters -i Swipe controls -i Theme -i Translations -i Visual preferences icons

Root build details:
⁍ Package name:
⁍ Icon: Original
⁍ Name: YouTube
⁍ Theme- Material You (Android 12+)
⁍ Theme- Amoled Blacki

Non-Root build details:
⁍ Package name:
⁍ Icon: Revancify Red
⁍ Icon: Revancify Blue
⁍ Icon: Original and Original Name.
⁍ Theme- Material You (Android 12+)
⁍ Theme- Amoled Blacki

Installation instructions:
⁍ Signature verification has to be disabled to perform the installation, this can be done with Core Patch (Android 9.0+) or Lucky Patcher (Below 9)

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⁍ Install GmsCore .
⁍ Install ReVanced Advanced
⁍ Log In to your Account.

You have to install GmsCore instead of any previous MicroG builds.

➡ credit Hoàng Gia Bảo, inotia00, ReVanced Team, j-hc

What’s New:
⁍ Base updated to YouTube v19.16.39
⁍ For new features, look for in-product education & notifications sharing the feature and how to use it!
⁍ Latest updated ReVanced ReX features, bug fixes and optimizations

This app has no advertisements

More Info:

Download Instructions:
Black + Revancify Red Icon – Non-Root




Black + Revancify Blue Icon – Non-Root




Black + Original Icon – Non-Root:




GmsCore (microG) v0.


For Huawai devices


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