Yatse: Kodi remote control and cast v8.8.5 [Patch] APK [Latest]

Yatse: Kodi remote control and cast

Yatse: Kodi remote control and cast

Bring Kodi to a new level with streaming, offline media and easy remote control.
Yatse is the best rated, most complete, easy and stable Kodi remote available.

Main unique functions
– Stream your supported media to your local devices or UPnP / AirPlay / Chromecast devices*
– Send your supported local media to your media center or UPnP / AirPlay / Chromecast devices*
– Voice Commands
– Full Android Wear support
– Offline Media*: Sync media to your device for offline playing
– Audio Player*: Listen to your music everywhere
– Offline library
– Multiple widgets for fast remote actions, now playing details and more
– Support Media Player Classic (MPC / MPC-HC) as a Kodi external player
– Cloud Save*: Keep your hosts and settings in sync across devices
– Custom Commands: Unlimited commands to gain access to all Kodi / XBMC functions
– AV Receiver plugins*: Direct volume control of your supported receiver from Yatse

Other features
– Modern and intuitive interface
– Completely configurable to fill all your needs
– DashClock / Muzei extensions
– Notifications and Lockscreen controls
– Quickly find your media with sorting / filtering and global search
– Detailed now playing with direct selection of subtitles (Including download and syncing) and audio streams
– Wake on Lan (WOL) and power control options
– Multiple plugins for SMS / call / notification forwarding, starting Kodi remotely, …
– Send media from YouTube or browser
– Optimized for speed and low battery usage even on older devices
– Support themes*
– Offers an API to control your media centers and Yatse from other Android applications

And much more, just install and try.

Please use website or email for support and feature requests, as comments on Play Store do not allow to gather enough information or contact you back.

The free version is fully functional and does not contains ads. But some advanced functions (noted with an *) requires the purchase of the Unlocker to be used.
Consider buying Unlocker if you want to support the continued development of this application.

– Most Addons and PVR cannot be streamed due to Kodi limitations
– This application support all Kodi versions including latest Kodi’s beta | See http://kodi.tv/ to download the latest version
– The screenshots contain content © copyright Blender Foundation | sintel.org / elephantsdream.org / bigbuckbunny.org / tearsofsteel.com
– All images are used under their respective CC Licenses | http://creativecommons.org
– Kodi™ / XBMC™ are trademarks of the XBMC Foundation
– Except the material attributed above, all posters, still images and titles depicted in our screenshots are fictitious, any similarity to actual movies copyrighted or not, dead or alive, is purely coincidental
– No animal was harmed in the making of this app

You also like:
Screen Mirroring & Sharing v1.9.11 [Premium]

If you use Yatse on Android 4.x please join forums to give details about your usage!

• As requested, you can now donate with subscriptions
• Settings, hosts, custom commands, … can now be exported to secure files
• Many many other things that can’t fit here :)

And more see application internal Changelog.
If you have any issue please contact us!

If you like this, do not forget to rate the application and to purchase the In-App Unlocker to ensure continued development.

Instructions for PRO:
UNINSTALL any previous version before install the new one!!!

1. Install Lucky Patcher and Open it, wait for load apps then close it.
2. Download and extract file Yatse arm or arm64 or x86 archive zip.
3. Copy .txt file to:
* /storage/sdcard0/LuckyPatcher/*.txt file here <<<< (if you ROM is older than JellyBean)
* /storage/sdcard0/Android/data/com.android.vending.billing.InAppBillingService.CRAC/files/LuckyPatcher/*.txt file here <<<< (if your ROM is higher than JellyBean)
4. Install Yatse.apk
5. Open Lucky Patcher and touch and hold on Yatse app…don’t launch it yet!
6. Select Open Menu of Patches.
7. Select Custom patch.
8. Now select Apply button.
Wait for a while and you’ll get a success GREEN message!!
Now Launch the app and check PRO features.


Yatse: Kodi Fernbedienung und Cast Screenshot   Yatse: Kodi Fernbedienung und Cast Screenshot

Download PRO features Unlocked | NO Unlocker Key needed!


Yatse: Kodi remote control and cast v8.8.5 [Patch] APK / Mirror / Mirror

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Yatse: Kodi remote control and cast v8.6.5 [Patch] APK / Mirror

Yatse: Kodi remote control and cast v8.5.0a [Patch] APK / Mirror

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