WordWeb Audio Dictionary
The offline audio English dictionary and thesaurus with synonyms, related words, and professionally recorded pronunciations.
The comprehensive WordWeb dictionary database includes:
โ 285,000 words, phrases and derived forms
โ 225,000 word sense definitions
โ 70,000 usage examples
โ 70,000 audio pronunciations
โ 85,000 text pronunciations
โ Synonyms, similar and related words
โ N. American, British, Australian and international English
The intelligent word entry suggests possible correct spellings as you type, as well as listing words that sound the same or are often confused. Additional features include the ability to drill down on any word in a definition, full bookmark support and history.
Search features include:
โ Alphabetical listing
โ Spelling suggestions
โ Sounds-like and often-confused
โ Fast pattern-matching search (*, ?, vowel and consonant)
โ Filter search results by noun, verb, adjective, adverbs
The database includes proper nouns and common abbreviations in addition to English vocabulary (e.g. LOL, Oxford, ROFL, Webster, UNHCR, etc.)
No Internet connection is required to use WordWeb once installed. It requires about 280MB of space on your SD card.
Learn to pronounce those English words correctly! Speak better English and enrich your vocabulary.
Note: If you donโt hear sound check the volume/mute under main Settings, Volume. The Media setting should be up to hear sound from apps.
New settings option for dark background. Definition share/copy. New words and senses.
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