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VIMAGE – cinemagraph animator & live photo editor v1.6.0.2 (Premium) APK

Add motion to your still images and turn them into magical live photos ???
Title: VIMAGE – cinemagraph animator & live photo editor
Genre: Photography
Developer: vimage

What is VIMAGE?
VIMAGE is a cinemagraph creating app that lets you add moving effects and elements to your photos, turning them into live pieces of art. Want to see for yourself? Check out our short intro video above.

Why cinemagraphs?
Cinemagraphs are the latest trend for engaging people in your life and the stories you tell. They’re hot on Facebook (just think of live portraits), Instagram and other social media, and they’re an amazing tool to put a creative, eye-catching twist on your slideshows and visual marketing content. Not to mention they’re fun to make as well.

How does VIMAGE work?
Using VIMAGE is easy, intuitive and fun.
1. Open VIMAGE and press the ‘+’ button to take a photo or choose one from your gallery. Feel free to edit your photo before you add an effect to it.
2. Choose an effect you like and that you think suits your picture. We currently have over 70 built-in effects, and we continuously add new ones to the app as we come up with them.
3. Place the effect you choose on your photo. Adjust it as you like – you can shrink or enlarge it, rotate it, change its color, opacity and more.
4. Save your vimage, and you’re good to go. Share it on Instagram or any other social media with just a touch of a button, and let your creativity get all the recognition it deserves.

Want to show the world your awesome vimages? If you create something you’re really proud of, be sure to add the hashtag ‘#vimage’ to your post when you upload it to your Instagram feed. This way you have the chance to be featured in our app and on our Instagram, and go viral!


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Gameplay / Trailer


UI improvements
