Unlauncher v2.1.1 [GitHub]

Unlauncher v2.1.1 [GitHub]
Requirements: Android 5.0 or newer.
Overview: Freedom from your phone – a clean and simple Android launcher experience!

Unlauncher v2.1.1 [GitHub]

The goal of Unlauncher is to provide a clean and simple Android launcher experience.
We believe you should have easy access to all of your apps without the distraction of bells, whistles, and notifications clamouring for your attention. You want to be able to use your phone, not have your phone use you!

List your top apps on the home screen
No app icons
Customizable app titles
Searchable drawer with all apps
Show/Hide the notification bar on your home screen
No wallpapers
Multiple color themes

Forked from https://github.com/sduduzog/slim-launcher.

What’s New:
Add popup menu for apps in the drawer by @ru2saig in #134
Adds search field options by @hayribakici in #143
Start first app by pressing Enter in search field by @khwolf in #158
Prioritize apps starting with query by @khwolf in #165
Add icons to popup menu for the main apps by @khwolf in #166
Update Simplified Chinese Strings by @sr093906 in #156
Completes German translation by @khwolf in #160
Adds option to choose the alignment of apps by @khwolf in #161
Group apps in app drawer by first letter by @hayribakici in #144
Add new themes: Darcula and Gruvbox by @hayribakici in #138
Full-width clickability by @khwolf in #178
Update Simplified Chinese Strings by @sr093906 in #177
Russian translation update by @zepp in #171
Make hidden apps findable with search by @JuanJakobo in #130
Add titles to configuration views by @khwolf in #181
Update Simplified Chinese Strings by @sr093906 in #184
Update German translation by @khwolf in #185
Add different kinds of clocks by @khwolf in #186
Update Simplified Chinese Strings by @sr093906 in #197
Update French strings by @milouse in #211
Bug fixes
Use correct text color in options switches by @hayribakici in #179
Correct case insensitive sorting by @khwolf in #180
Remove uninstalled apps from home screen by @hayribakici in #164
Fix clock when search box at bottom by @jkuester in #193
Update app drawer whenever a change was triggered by @jkuester in #194
Fix header color on Customise Drawer page by @hayribakici in #195
Handle boxed W for work apps in drawer header by @jkuester in #199
Hide uninstall option if app is system app. by @hayribakici in #198
Use alignment option in app drawer by @TobiTenno in #200
Update DEVELOPMENT.md by @fusaty in #176
Unify font sizes by @khwolf in #154
Cean up and sort translation files by @jkuester in #192
Update docs regarding use of the Proto datastore by @jkuester in #204
Use dimension for most layout distances by @khwolf in #201

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Download Instructions:

https://github.com/jkuester/unlauncher/ … uncher.apk

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