TrackChecker Mobile 2.24.24 build 270 [Unlocked] APK Download

TrackChecker Mobile 2.24.24 build 270 [Unlocked]
Requirements: 2.3+
Overview: TrackChecker Mobile is powerful app for tracking your parcels, mails, orders, freights by theirs tracking numbers.

You can save and track unlimited number of items for free.
TrackChecker Mobile works directly with postal tracking services. Only your smartphone and Internet and You can check your tracks any time and any place.
TrackChecker Mobile supports more than 300 postal and delivery services, air cargoes, etc. The services are updated frequently.
TrackChecker Mobile is the next generation of TrackChecker app. It is developed and supported by author of desktop version of Trackะกhecker.

** Please DO NOT leave messages about NOT WORKING or NEW Tracking Sites in your REVIEWs to this app.
** Please SEND me an e-mail with URL to tracking page and one or more LIVE tracking numbers, and I will check and fix or add this services ASAP.
** Thanks in advance for your understanding!

Differences from TrackChecker:
โ€“ UI elements (ActionBar, Multiselect operations, Pull-to-refresh function, advanced view of tracks and many other improvements)
โ€“ Backup/Restore user data in internal or external memory
โ€“ Export/Import tracks to desktop version compatible format
โ€“ Full supporting of the latest services descriptions (services.dat)
โ€“ Auto and manual updating of tracking services descriptions
โ€“ Fixed and improved many issues of first TrackChecker
โ€“ TrackChecker Mobile is actively developed project

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Common features inherited from first TrackChecker:
โ€“ Automatically and/or manually checking several postal services at once
โ€“ Home screen widget
โ€“ Notifications
โ€“ Calculates and highlights days on delivery
โ€“ Various sorting modes and filters
โ€“ Track can be added or marked as delivered by scanning its bar-code (3rd-party bar-code scanning application is required)


2.24.24 b270
Version 2.24.24_2018-09-11
* Start and Alert dates settings
* Days to Alert date counter
* Changed days counter highlight algorithm
* Formatting of all possible track formats
* Parser engine update
* Minor changes and fixes

This app has no advertisements

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