Tap2Text – SMS / TXT Shortcuts v4.2 [Pro]

Tap2Text – SMS / TXT Shortcuts v4.2 [Pro]
Requirements: 4.4 snd up
Overview: Create home screen widgets that instantly create a predefined TXT / SMS message to a contact. The widgets act like shortcuts to send messages.

Create home screen widgets that instantly create a predefined TXT / SMS message to a contact. The widgets act like shortcuts to send messages.

Choose the contact and write the message. Each time you click the widget your message will be ready to send in your default SMS app.

NOTE: This app previously sent SMS directly. Due to changes beyond our control we can no longer do this and instead launch the default SMS app.

• Customizable countdown timer before sending message to stop accidental tap.
• Add 1 or more contacts to each message.
• You can choose what text appears on the widget.
• Lots of different colors to distinguish your widgets.
• Optionally choose to save your text message in your phone’s outbound sent items.
• Edit messages on the fly.
• Small 1 x 1 sized widget.
• NO advertising, banners etc.

• Let your spouse know that you’re going to be home in 30min.
• Tell your boss that you are running 5min late
• Let your friend know that you are free to catchup.
• Write your own, you’re free to decide!!
• Perform some home automation

NOTE: The words ‘sent by Tap2Text’ are automatically added to the end of each message. If you want to remove this simply purchase the ‘Tap2Text Unlock’ application from the store or use the in-app purchase button.

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• Polish – Thanks Łukasz Siadaczka for providing

• How to add widget to Home screen
On home screen press “menu”, then “add”, click on “widgets” and choose “Tap2Text” from the list
(If you can’t press add button for some reason, workaround is to press and hold any space on the home screen and a menu pops up)
On most of devices with Android 4.0 widget can be found under “Widgets” tab in app drawer
• Can’t find Tap2Text in list of Widgets
Try to restart home launcher application (or device)
• Wrap text on Widget label
Use n to add a newline into your widget label.

Feedback? Questions? Please contact me at support@socketsoftware.com and I’ll do my best to fix any bugs ASAP. I’ve tested this app extensively on a few different Android devices and versions, but there’s always a chance things won’t work perfectly on another device I haven’t been able to test. Please let me know if you’re having troubles, so I can investigate a fix for your particular device.

What’s New:
• This app will no longer directly send SMS messages. Instead, it will create a draft in your default SMS app.
• This change is due to a new Google Play policy and is beyond our control.

This app has no advertisements

More Info:

Home Pagehttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.socketsoftware.tap2text&hl=en

Download Instructions: Pro features unlocked


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