Swift Dark Substratum Theme +Oreo & Samsung theme v25.8 (Patched) APK

The most popular, modularized theming engine for the Android ecosystem
Title: substratum theme engine
Genre: Personalization
Developer: Projekt Development Team

This supports Android Oreo without root, using Andromeda! If you have root, everything should work out of the box except on Samsung!

Support chat:
https://t.me/substratum (#support)

Take over control of the finest aspects of the system UI and personalise your Android experience without limits with the official Substratum theme engine, free to use and powered by the constantly growing, community-driven collection of beautiful overlays.

Google is preventing stock OMS users from utilising custom overlays. To help us bring back rootless theming support to Android, please star the following issue in Google’s Issue Tracker: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/74354703.

Theme engine support:
• Stock Nougat (RRO): Requires root, exposures unsupported, not all themes compatible
• Stock Oreo (OMS): Compatible with rooted and unrooted devices, in the case of the latter the Andromeda plugin is needed for Substratum to function correctly: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=projekt.andromeda
• Stock Samsung Nougat (RRO): Sungstratum addon required for full compatibility: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=projekt.sungstratum
• Custom Nougat (OMS): Requires a custom ROM with an interfacer installed

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Community links:
• Telegram:
• Google+: https://plus.google.com/communities/102261717366580091389
• XDA: https://forum.xda-developers.com/apps/substratum/
• Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Substratum/
• CrowdIn: http://translate.projektsubstratum.com/
• GitHub: https://www.github.com/substratum
• JIRA (Bug Reports): https://substratum.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1

Detailed guide:

Having external, third party theme clients installed may cause issues with Substratum, including unforeseen bootloops, crashes, and more. Customer support will refuse to provide assistance to users running such applications, including Swift Installer.


Gameplay / Trailer


– Fix settings crash faced by some users.

Magisk v18.0 is the only supported version now!

Older changelogs:
– Update rescue ZIP for Android P devices
– Fix showcase and wallpaper menus

– Fix crash loop for some users


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