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SourcesPro v1.4 APK is Here !



SourcesPro is a genuinely unique, fun App for creating computer graphics images and animations.

***** Android Authority: 10 best apps of June *****
***** The Guardian: Top Apps of the week: July ****

SourcesPro is a genuinely unique, fun App for creating computer graphics images and animations. It allows you to combine simple geometric constructs (waves and repeating patterns) in various ways. Surprisingly complex (and often quite beautiful) things can emerge. (The background to the banner above was done with Sources.) It is deep, with countless possible permutations. It is an App to explore.It works on fairly modest phones and on large tablets.

To get an idea of the range of things that Sources can do (so far!) have a look at the galleries on the web site. See also the montage of images above. A full 58 examples are built in to the App to give you inspiration and show how certain effects can be achieved.

Of course, animation adds a whole other dimension – these images move! You can use the animation designs as live wallpers now, which is a load of fun, using the FREE SourcesWP –
market://details SourcesWP requires Android 4.0+.

Please note that it is possible to create moving/flashing patterns with the App when you animate. If you are susceptible to epilepsy caused by flashing lights, see the warning here: This warning also comes up (by default) before the App starts. The App is designed to generate high quality image files (up 4000 pixels), so it can, of course, be used without making any use of the animation facility.

This is a fun, creative app whose possibilities will take you a very long time to exhaust.
Explore, and enjoy!

What’s New:

A source can be restricted in coverage – instead of occupying the entire working area, you can now set the start and the end (in terms of wavelengths) and how smoothly they happen.
Undo/redo extended to 50 steps.
Sweep sources now can have up to 180 cycles.
Aspect ratio added to visual controls and incorrect behaviour on accelerated sources with very narrow aspect ratios corrected
Radial sources can now be 2-sided
An occasional crash during visual editing has been tracked down and fixed.


SourcesPro Screenshot   SourcesPro Screenshot


SourcesPro v1.4 APK / Mirror / Mirror (4.4 MB)