Sound Profile (Volume control + Scheduler) v5.95 (Pro) APK

Control phone volume for calls, texts & notifications separately
Title: Sound Profile (Volume control + Scheduler)
Genre: Personalization
Developer: Corcanoe

Even works for Android 9 Pie.

Location Sound Profile and scheduler for your phone

Have different sound profiles or volume profiles. Edit them, delete them or add new ones.

Android ties your notification and call ringtone volume together. Now you can solve it. This application will split them.

Profiles can be activated with a time limit so you will never forget your phone again in “silent mode”, “meeting mode” or “airplane mode”.

It works as Nokia, Blackberry or Ericsson old sound managers.

This application also silences your phone while it is rebooting (shutting down and booting) so you will not hear annoying intro melodies from your operator (silent boot and shut down).

Use different wallpapers or background solid colors to quickly find your mode or profile.

Set to Meeting (or other mode or profile) just for 10 minutes (or whatever time).

Just one beep tone available.
Lock your side volume rocker buttons

★For each profile you may personalize ringtone volume, notifications volume, ringtone melody, notification melody, multimedia/system volume, alarms volume, vibration, airplane mode, bluetooth, wifi, data, screen brightness, screen timeout, synchronization, wallpaper picture or background color, interruption modes (Always interrupt, Allow priority interruptions, Don’t interrupt, Don’t disturb, Alarms Only)…

★Scheduler feature to automatically change profiles at given times (for example, activate Night at 10:00pm, Normal at 08:00am, etc). Have different pre-set weeks.

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★Block list feature:
Select in each profile which calls are going to be allowed and which are going to be rejected. You can automatically send a SMS Text message back, too (depending on your rates sending Text SMS can cost you money). Never get awake in the middle of the night for an unwanted call, but be always ready for your kids, wife or husband.
Other uses: reject hidden numbers; reject unknown numbers; the use of wildcards ‘*’ is allowed; very flexible; groups of contacts, block my ex-wife/girlfriend, ex-boyfriend/husband calls; Always accept my son’s school in meetings…

★Location Tasks:
-Activate profile “Car” when “my car” bluetooth is connected
-Activate profile “Home” when “my home WIFI” is detected
-Activate Wifi when getting close to your neighborhood
-Activate profile Job when getting close to your job

Please, send me any suggestions to and I will answer you fast.



Rel. 5.95
Important app behavior changes:
Google Permissions policy has changed limiting Call Log and SMS permissions. This new policy impacts SoundProfile behavior according to the Blocklist feature.
Now, SoundProfile is not allowed to handle call block lists.
⛔In Android Oreo 8 and lower it will not be able to handle the Text/SMS, but still works for calls.
⛔From Android Pie 9 and later, the whole blocklist feature will be disabled.


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