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Solar Settlers v1.019 (Paid) APK

Solar Settlers is a card-driven space exploration strategy game.
Title: Solar Settlers
Genre: Board
Developer: Brain Good Games

Solar Settlers is a card-driven space exploration strategy game set in the far future. Our sun is on the verge of collapse and so mankind has taken to the stars aboard colony ships to seek out a new home. You are the caretaker of one such ship, and must carefully manage the planets you find, technology cards you posses and fellow colonists as they gradually awaken from a long cryo-sleep in order to scratch out a new cradle for humanity.

Unlockable cards, races, FTL-Style events and more!
Weekly challenge mode with leaderboards.
Ladder/ranking system + procedural generation for endless replayability.
A satisfying strategic experience in 15 minutes or less.

The game combines and remixes many elements of euro-style designer board games like Race for the Galaxy, Imperial Settlers, Impulse, Keyflower and many more to create a thoughtful, interesting and deep experience. A large collection of homeworlds, technology cards and deep space cards together with BrainGoodGames’ staple single-player ladder and random map generation ensure that Solar Settlers will stay interesting for a long time.

Solar Settlers is the 5th game from Canadian game design studio BrainGoodGames, creators of Militia, Axes and Acres, SkyBoats and Minos Strategos. BrainGoodGames is committed to making fun, engaging single-player strategy games that combine random generation with a single-player ladder so you can enjoy our games for as long as you like!


nDpV54Da9NhUNfcK QuYfrblRQVOciVvMyH5O99aOPg5zuh6YqIwL2SRZ65SZ kcC9iHOzpEe2i8DTJ5kpAIPo4Q3iya vaRjHPILokIdkHjm9QW1bXdM0wFsflLyDbM3mr4ohdU8rZ4oRsmoGaOyI72t2Xzj lsZB4tsc9aEUhWvsV7WrgyCRVlZc NbCeNQF5TZaLfcdxbpEqV8dm5zqivtpvEP qw8 WCVmO7Cb0fvMfIab4RvuorWOWtTqVQVtNAj NZT2vokMElT

Gameplay / Trailer


Initial Release!
