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Sex Gods v0.17 (18+)

Sex Gods v0.17 (18+)
Requirements: 4.1+
Overview: This video game, is about the story of an ordinary guy (human) who fortunately destiny establishes connection with a sex god and with the help of a little slutty (furry) will gradually become a god of sex.


This video game, is about the story of an ordinary guy (human) who fortunately destiny establishes connection with a sex god and with the help of a little slutty (furry) will gradually become a god of sex.

What’s New:
Rex’s HD face – DW: 100%
Rex’s HD face – new ‘hairstyle (5) / beard (8) / mustache (6)’ – DW: 100%
Rex’s nude body – standing pose 3/4 – DW: 100%
Rex’s sport style (clothes) – standing pose 3/4 – DW: 100%
Updated Rex’s wardrobe system – PM, UC: 100%
Rex’s LD face – new ‘hairstyle (5) / beard (8) / mustache (6)’ – DW: 100%
Rex’s HD face, Rex’s LD face and Rex’s body – PM, AM, UC: 100%
Rex’s walking pose – DW: 100%
Rex’s sport style – walking pose – DW: 100%
Rex’s walking pose – PM, AM, UC: 100%
Update Rex’s sprite for the scene “Rex’s with girl of the park”- UC: 100%
Update Rex’s sprite for the scene “Rex’s with Rin and Xina”- UC: 100%
General changes due the updated Rex – UC, PM: 100%
Remastered Cloy furry form – standing pose 3/4 – DW, PM, UC: 100%
Remastered Cloy HD face – standing pose 3/4 – DW, PM, UC: 100%
Update for the scene between Rin and Hades, before this change that scene give you a Game Over and return you to the start menu, now if you play this scene the game will still give you a Game Over, but will return you at the entry of Ben’s house and you can continue playing since that point – PM: 100%
New change after the scenes for the chubby girl, if you make her skinny you will have that spell in the Cloy’s store and Cloy won’t help you to make her skinny again, you will need to buy that spell and make her skinny by yourself – PM: 100%
Fixed bug – selecting the bull with the girl in the park – PM: 100%
Fixed bug – the second scene of the chubby girl had two tennis layers in the left foot and one layer didn’t change of color – UC: 100%
Load mode for the “Web GL / Online” version of the game, this new function will allow the player to start the game since a point closer to the new content of each version, but the save option will still be available only for the Windows / Android version of the game – PM: 0% -> 100%
Update for contact images of cell phone messages (only contact images, not images between messages) – UC: 0% -> 100%
New sex scene – DW, UC, PM, AM: 100%
Little surprise – DW, PM, UC, AM: 100%
Fixed bug 1: the game will freeze if you only have monsters that haven’t scenes with the woman in the park (cows and bull) – PM: 100%
Fixed bug 2: if you have in the window ‘Team’ two cows together (in button 2 and 3 or 3 and 4), then you open that window, and now you remove the monster in the button 1 and open the window again, the body colors of the first cow will be displayed in the second cow the first time you open that window – PM, UC: 100%
— Abbreviations —
AM = Animation
DW = Drawing
PM = Programming
UC = Unity configuration
— NOTE —
This Rex is a new and remastered version of our current Rex.
This post will be updated for each significant advance.
This post would grow after finish the current points.
The bold text shows you the latest updates.

Install Steps:
Download the desired APK file below and tap on it to install it on your device.

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