Seal – YouTube Downloader v1.12.0 [Final]

Seal – YouTube Downloader v1.12.0 [Final]
Requirements: 5.0+
Overview: Video/Audio downloader for Android.

Seal – YouTube Downloader v1.12.0 [Final]Image


Download videos and audio files from video platforms supported by yt-dlp (formerly youtube-dl).

Embed metadata and video thumbnail into extracted audio files supported by mutagen.

Download all videos in the playlist with one click.

Use embedded aria2c as external downloader for all your downloads.

Embed subtitles into the downloaded videos.

Execute custom yt-dlp commands with templates.

Manage in-app downloads and custom command templates.

Easy to use and user-friendly.

Material Design 3 style UI, with dynamic color theme.

MAD: UI and logic written with pure Kotlin. Single activity, no fragments, only composable destinations.

What’s New:
โ— Search from download history
โ— Search from subtitles in format selection page
โ— Export download history to file/clipboard
โ— Import download history from file/clipboard
โ— Re-download unavailable videos
โ— Download auto-translated subtitles
โ— Remember subtitle selection for next downloads
โ— Remux videos into mkv container for better compatibility
โ— Configuration for not using the download type in the last download
โ— Improve UI/UX for download error handling
โ— Add splash screen
โ— Haptic feedback BZZZTT!!1!

โ— Long pressing on an item in download history now selects it
โ— Use nightly builds for yt-dlp by default
โ— Migrate Slider & ProgressIndicator to the new visual styles in MD3
โ— Use default display name from system for locales
โ— Metadata of videos is also embedded in the files now
โ— A few UI changes that I forgot

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โ— Fix a permission issue when using Seal in a different user profile or private space
โ— Fix an issue where the text cannot be copied in the menu of the download history
โ— Display approximate file size for formats when there’s no exact value available
โ— Fix an issue causes app to crash when the selected template is not available
โ— Custom command now ignore empty URLs, which means you can insert URLs along with arguments in command templates
โ— Fix an issue where some formats may be unavailable when downloading playlists

Known issues
โ— TextFields(IME) fallback to plain character mode when showing a ModalBottomSheet
โ— ModalBottomSheet handles insets incorrectly on devices below API 30

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