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Apps you have already deleted, sometimes leave data behind.
The system constantly creates logs, crash reports and debug files you don’t really need.
Your SD-card is collecting files and directories you don’t recognize.
Lets not go on here…
Why not get a maid to clean it all up?
SD Maid will help you keep your device neat, clean and tidy!
Give it a try, you won’t find a more thorough cleaning tool!
Choose a tab, press start and then either click a single item to delete or press the clean all button. It’s just that easy.

There are various features available:

    • Explorer is a full fledged filemanager, use it to crawl through your Androids files.
    • You can use the Searcher if you know what file you are looking for.
    • The CorpseFinder searches your device for orphaned items and compares those to the list of installed applications.
    • AppControl lets you freeze, reset and remove applications (even system apps).
    • The SystemCleaner scans your device and filters directories which contain unnecessary files. You an even create your own filters!
    • You can optimize and shrink bloated databases to speed up access and free space.
    • View your biggest files and find out what is hogging all the space.
    • Find files that have been modified in the last X minutes.


SD Maid v4.12.2 28.11.2018
Improved: Clutter database.
Improved: Translations.
Improved: Updated internal sqlite binary to 3250300 (#2042).
Improved: Few minor layout tweaks to have nicer paddings/margins-
Fixed: CorpseFinder icon tinting.
Red: Corpse is flagged as ‘common’, meaning it has such a generic name that SD Maid won’t make deletion decisions on it, despite knowing an app that owns it.
Orange: Corpse is flagged as ‘keeper’, meaning there is an app that owns this but marks this item as ‘desirable remnant’, depending on settings, SD Maid will delete it.
Fixed: Log filter deleting Telegram X’s settings (#2147).
Improved: List item layout for devices with very large fonts.
Improved: Layout performance.
Improved: Updated SD Maid‘s SQL binary. SQL databases were skipped if they contained features from newer version (e.g. Chrome) (#2042).
Fixed: Details not updating when retrying operations on items (#2151).


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SD Maid Pro v4.12.3 Final Patched | Mirror

SD Maid Pro v4.12.3 Final Untouched + Pro Key | Mirror

Older Version

SD Maid Pro v4.11.10 Final Patched | Mirror | Mirror

SD Maid Pro v4.11.10 Final Untouched + Pro Key | Mirror / Mirror