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Ravager [v5.1.8]


We all know the story: Hero emerges from humble beginnings, slays the tyrannical dragon, and ushers in a new era of peace and prosperity. But here, it’s the other way around. Ravager is a game where you play a young dragon, determined to reclaim their birthright. To do so, you will need to build your power, ally with dark forces, evade justice, and whet your bestial appetites. The game currently spans the first three chapters of the story: from your birth to your confrontation with the Regent’s huntress. It has a nonlinear plot, with many significant choices to make (and fun to have) along the way.​

At ApkMagic you will find hundreds of adult games in apk format. These are the most downloaded during the last 7 days:

You can find many more at this link.

Thread Updated: 2024-05-07
Release Date: 2024-05-07
Developer: 4MinuteWarning – Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 5.1.8
OS: Android
Language: English

Download for ANDROID

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