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Powers of Eldritch [v0.2]

“Powers of Eldritch” Is a Lovecraftian novel filled with mystery and magic,
you play as a main protagonist who is suddenly wrapped in chaos, sex and romance.

The story begins with a troubled young person (you), who through series of strange visions and dreadful encounters acquires not only weird and mighty abilities but grave responsibilities and discovers new ways of expressing his/her sexuality.
Warning: The novel is full with non-straight content.​

At ApkMagic you will find hundreds of adult games in apk format. These are the most downloaded during the last 7 days:

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Thread Updated: 2023-09-16
Release Date: 2023-08-22
Developer: AshleyTheGothGirl 
Censored: No
Version: 0.2
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English

+ 12k words (52k total)
+100 new images (600 total)
Remade a lot of old content to give player the ability to make more choices
There are about 100 minor choices in dialogue and action
~30% of the update is a continuation of the story while ~70% is expansion of older story
v0.1 Release
– Initial release

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