Poker Solver+ – GTO Lookup For No Limit Holdem v1.3.5 [Pro]
Requirements: 5.0+
Overview: Your personal GTO postflop lookup assistant and poker engine AI solver in your pocket. No need for complex tree building and then buying grunty super computers to run postflop solves.
Your personal GTO postflop lookup assistant and poker engine AI solver in your pocket. No need for complex tree building and then buying grunty super computers to run postflop solves. We did all the hardwork and making it accessible to you via a few clicks on your mobile phone. Just pick a spot, enter your hole cards, the board and viola! You can see the GTO line for all possible turn and river with the exact frequencies and EVs.
Poker Solver+ combines preflop ranges and postflop solves to give you the most intuitive and holistic end to end solution. It takes literally seconds to access your solution. 6-max cash and MTT for different stack sizes solved and ready to be accessed. Don’t miss it now!
Some of the features included but not limited to are
– intuitive range viewer for all preflop spots
– ability to enter any flop, any turn and any river
– can enter different lines to see how GTO frequencies changes
– see exact frequencies and EVs
More spots and solves added all the time. Download now. Please note this is not an RTA and should not be used for real time assistance for poker decisions at the table. As it is against TOS of many poker sites to use an RTA (Real Time Assistance) tool.
What’s New:
200bb spots added for CASH games! And we have more spots coming soon
Introducing SPINS! As well as headsup mode support. We have a stack of SPINs spots available now, and more coming soon.
Introducing sim lookups using Range vs Range as an option in addition to specifying Hero hole cards! FTW!!!!
Also, by popular demand, we’ve added a “RANDOM” button for flop selection to make it easier for you to explore different flops and their runouts.
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